Changes to the WhatsApp Business Platform Template Messaging Explained

February 15, 2023

Meta, who provide the WhatsApp Business Platform are making changes to the categories and classifications of template messages. Here is your guide to the changes!

The 3 new types of template messages are utility, authentication and marketing. Each of these have there own specific definition.

These changes are being stepped in with a full go live on 1st June 2023. The template messages that exist now are being reviewed in April and the new classifications being rolled out for 1st May 2023.


Utility templates relate to a specific, agreed-upon transaction and accomplish one of the following:

  • Confirm or suspend a transaction
  • provide an update or reminder post-transaction

Utility template message examples


Authentication templates enable businesses to authenticate userswith one-time passcodes (usually 4-8 digit alphanumeric codes), potentially at multiple steps in the login process (e.g., account verification, account recovery, integrity challenges).


Marketing templates are the most flexible – they do not relate to a specific, agreed-upon transaction and instead may relate to the business and/or its products/services. These templates may include promotions or offers; welcoming/closing messages; updates, invitations or recommendations; or requests to respond or complete a new transaction.

Marketing template message examples

Stitch offers messaging solutions based around the WhatsApp API where sending, creating and approving template messages with WhatsApp is a fully automated process within the platform.

Get in touch to find out more!

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