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WhatsApp Solutions To Meet GDPR & Compliance

Gain assurance that your business’ communications adhere to regulatory requirements and benefit from useful insight into your team’s performance and analytics.

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We make messaging work for your business

Customers can be reached  anywhere

Let people connect with your company by meeting them where they currently are: WhatsApp.

Conversations are a great way to connect

Drive marketing, sales, and support outcomes through two-way dialogues that engage customers throughout their journey.

Make memorable experiences

Use the API to create engaging conversational flows that include interactive CTAs, dynamic product listings, rich media, and more.

"The team at Stitch have gone above and beyond during our project implementation and aftercare - would highly recommend engaging with them."

WhatsApp Compliant Recording

  • Need a GDPR-compliant way to record staff’s WhatsApp messages for FCA, MiFID II or other regulatory requirements, or simply for enforcing best practice among employees? We can help you ensure your business is not only compliant but get insights into performance & analytics

GDPR Compliant Mobile Messaging

  • With an increasing preference for messaging via WhatsApp, businesses need to adapt and permit mobile messaging.  A compliant mobile messaging service can protect against risks by ensuring consent is captured, conversations are recorded and CRM systems are instantly updated

Expect higher digital customer service today then 12 months ago


Would  choose a business using WhatsApp Business over a competitor whodoesn’t


Stopped doing business with a brand due to apoor digital experience

Protecting & Managing Company Data

  • By choosing a centralised WhatsApp solution, the data stays with the business and does not reside on the employees phone
  • Data deletion requests can be handled centrally at a few clicks of a button
  • Gain visibility of company communications by utilising tools to monitor communications and view reports & analytics to review individual & team performance

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